We’re here to watch movies and chew bubblegum – and we’re all out of bubblegum.
Let’s start here: John Carpenter is awesome. If you disagree, please leave. Thank you.
…are you still there? Good. John Carpenter – so cool. He’s the auteur answer to that awesome uncle who collects ’50s sci-fi posters. The man invented slasher flicks, inspired Stranger Things and kick-started Kurt Russell’s career (and mega-mullet)! But what about his lesser-known work? The Dudes are ‘shamed to say we’ve failed in that department…until now!
The Carpenter Shop is our comprehensive examination of John Carpenter’s career – from mainstream hits (Halloween) to cult classics (The Fog) to those gems found at the bottom of the $5 bin (Prince of Darkness). So grab your Rowdy Roddy Piper shades, turn up those synthy jams, and join us for lots of shameless Snake Plissken hero-worship and a bit of critical John Carpenter cinematic conversation.
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