A weekly newsletter for a bi-weekly podcast.

Do you need more War in your life? Congrats – your deepest desires have finally been answered!

Subscribe to our FREE weekly newsletter, the Midweek Memo. For the price of literally nothing (that’s $0.00), you’ll get Chris and Hunter’s weekly recommendations & news about upcoming episodes. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Subscribers also get exclusive articles written by the dudes just for you!

This isn’t just lukewarm spam where we try to sell you stuff. It’s a potent mix of in-depth insights and low-brow jokes to add some whimsy to your Wednesday.

Did we mention it’s FREE? Because we know how much you millennials hate paying for content. So don’t wait! This offer won’t will last forever, or until we both expire.

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** not required, it’s for the NSA.

Oh great, another podcast with two snide jackasses talking about movies!D.W. Griffith

Does the world need another movie podcast? No – it needs this one, dammit! Take one dash of insight, one hint of snark, and a big heaping can of audio-awesomeness and you get “War Starts At Midnight” (look it up, nerd.)

This isn’t your grandma’s podcast because we’re not your grandma. We’re three heartland-based film buffs and we’re here to talk movies and chew bubblegum. And we’re all of out bubblegum.


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Chris Galegar
Co-Host / Producer


Chris is the Egon Spengler of the group.

He’s a true cineaste, conversant in directors whose names you haven’t heard of and you probably can’t even pronounce. His mind is basically the Criterion Collection’s catalog, yet he makes his film knowledge accessible to even the Adam Sandleriest of movie-goers.

You want this guy on your Trivial Pursuit team. Period.

Jacob Graves


Jacob’s the Toshiro Mifune of our clan. Choose any character he played in any Kurosawa film to complete this metaphor, but Jacob prefers Kikuchiyo from Seven Samurai, solely because of their shared hatred for pants.

When consuming media Jacob loves rules and order. He’s currently burning through the Blu-Ray section at the East Baton Rouge Public Library in alphabetical order. (Please don’t ask him any questions about film beginning with the letter Z just yet.)

Jacob’s been known to defend Armageddon or My Dinner With Andre with equal enthusiasm… dependin’ upon present company.


Have a comment, question, or anonymous internet vitriol?
E-Mail: hello@warstartsatmidnight.com | Call: (484) 424-6362