The Carpenter Shop: A John Carpenter Podcast
The Carpenter Shop: A John Carpenter Podcast
Christine • TCS-006

or: This is the Creepiest Buddy Holly has been Since He was Played by Gary Busey

Buckle up! The Dudes kick this episode into high gear to discuss John Carpenter’s 1983 adaptation of Stephen King’s novel about a ravenous roadster with a motive for murder. Yup! We’re talking about that candy apple red 1953 Plymouth Fury, Christine, and you better watch what you say, cause she’s real sensitive.


00:10:06 – Review – Christine
01:17:07 – Beer Pairing: Shiner Oktoberfest by Spoetzl Brewery
“Makin’ Excuses” – Mister Heavenly
01:24:26 – Fantasy Movie League Preview – Week 08
“Crazy Love, Vol. III” – Mister Heavenly
01:37:50 – Really Rad Recommendations

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